Three months, One week

I had almost forgotten about this Blog. The last time I wrote I had just been to the x-ray department to see about the chipped bone in my elbow. although it was low on my priorities it bloody hurt every time I knocked it. They had told me the results would be ready in two weeks. Almost a month later I booked an appointment with my GP to find out what was going on. They tell me I have snapped a few tendons and apparently when they go they can give a loud crack. I can have physio if I want but I think I will just leave it now and see what happens after the big Op.

Standing in the Plumbers merchants my phone rang. Private number. The only time I get a private number is when someone tries to chase a ppi claim but as there were several people in front of me I decided to answer. The funny thing about waiting for something is, if you wait long enough, eventually you stop waiting. The surgeon had told me that the waiting list was three months but he wanted me in in two if possible. With all the doctor strikes, operations have been cancelled and, as the three months arrived, I expected longer.  The woman on the end of the phone was from the Hospital and not selling claims. She said I was going to be admitted for the operation on Wednesday 20th  April. The actual surgery will be carried out on the Thursday but I suspect they want to stick plenty of needles in me first. I will have to phone at 12 o’clock first just to make sure they have not had an emergency .

How do I feel about it ? well, to be honest in a word, Ready. I need to get it done and without it I can’t function. I can’t do my job properly and I’m shuffling around like a little old man at the moment. I have life insurance if anything goes wrong so at least the kids will be quids in. If things do go pear shaped on the table at least it goes pear shape under anaesthetic and I won’t know about it. Enough doom and gloom. I am now looking forward to the recovery and getting on with my life. Nothing more to say really. The next time I write (hopefully) will be to tell you about the ordeal. see you on the other side….