The beginning

When does a pain warrant a visit to the doctors ? you go out for a run and feel sluggish or you struggle to get your breath at the beginning of the run, your muscles in your shoulders and chest ache . you are middle aged and gaining a few pounds now so what do you expect?  I don’t have the answers.

I’ve been active all my life, never smoked and don’t drink THAT much . from the moment I could reach the pedals on a bike I was out every day for hours on end and getting up to mischief, (sometimes) . I took up Karate aged 18 gaining a black belt and trained well into my 40s.  my passion then turned to running, where I raced on any surface, road or mud at any distance right up to marathon distance (London) . I’ve also recently played badminton and squash with my daughter and regardless of how badly I’ve played I have done more than my fair share of sprinting around the court. so, once again……Why me ?

Heredity…..simple !   sort of.  I don’t doubt my diet has helped. when you do a lot of exercise and keep the weight down you can eat what you want can’t you ?  No .  I refuse to patronise any one by telling them not to eat this or that or live off lentils and green tea. If you are reading this the chances are you have your own worries.My father died of heart attack , as did my mother ( very recently) and my Uncle has stents already.

During a recent trip to Edinburgh for my daughters birthday I found myself struggling up the steep hills and getting pains in my chest. It was “obviously” a chest infection so I booked an appointment with the doctors…